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Learn the Nuts and Bolts with a Twist at the National Symposium for Classical Education

Great Hearts Institute January 3, 2024 -

Erik TwistWhen we think about a school’s success, we often focus on teachers, students, and academic programs, and rightly so. While these elements are obviously vital, the operations behind the school are the unsung heroes. Erik Twist will detail the pivotal role that operations and processes play in creating an environment conducive to learning in his sessions at the 2024 National Symposium for Classical Education.

Twist, who served as president of Great Hearts Arizona from 2017 to 2022, is now the Principal Partner and President of Arcadia Education, where he and his team assist educational institutions in achieving and sustaining operational excellence. He knows all too well how the operations in a school setting are the backbone that ensures the smooth functioning of every aspect in an academy. From managing systems and processes to creating a better school culture, the importance of effective operations cannot be overstated.

Along with Twists’ key role in the growth of Great Hearts, he was also a member of the Arizona State Board for Charter Schools from 2016 to 2021, as well as a member of the Arizona Charter Schools Association. He holds degrees from Trinity University, where he studied political science, and Oxford University, where he studied theology and philosophy. Twist has been married for 20 years to Allison, and they have six children… all boys.

“We all know that operations are a key part of a school and that it’s really hard to get right. Building the right operational infrastructure, the right kinds of processes, procedures, workflows, bringing clarity and consistency to project management, communications, governance, talent management, facility management, budgeting, safety, and on and on,” explained Twist. “It’s all hard to do and we know when these things break down our schools suffer. That’s why it’s so exciting that the National Symposium is adding sessions geared toward providing best-in-class operations support for admin and staff.”

Twist looks forward to seeing you along with and other inspiring and informative speakers on March 20-22, 2024 at the Phoenix Convention Center, where they will each be giving their unique talks during the National Symposium for Classical Education. Registration is NOW LIVE! Secure your spot with the exclusive early bird special – $50 off for individuals and groups of five or more. This offer ends January 10th, 2024.

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The Symposium will focus on renewing the Great Conversation concerning great works and perennial ideas. This year we will underscore the importance of teaching and modeling the conversations that lead to insight–among colleagues, between teachers and students, with families, and across our communities. At a time when our society most needs genuine dialogue, classical schools provide a sanctuary of genuine civility. Join us to discover how classical education embodies the good conversations, providing both the means and the model for a more civil society.

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