Cultivating Wonder: Join Us at the National Symposium for Classical Education in 2025

The national event will take place in February from the 19-21st in Tempe, Arizona. Early bird tickets are on sale now.

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The Constitution: Hidden Truths and Enduring Myths

Join us on September 18th at 5:30pm for the inaugural Great Hearts Constitution Day Address with Andrew Porwancher of Arizona State University. The event will be held inside Archway Veritas.

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Announcing 2025 Symposium Principal Keynote Speaker, Matthew Crawford

The New York Times best-selling author of "Shop Class as Soulcraft: An Inquiry into the Value of Work" will be the Principal Keynote Speaker at the 2025 National Symposium for Classical Education.

Read More About Him

National Symposium for Classical Education 2024, Renewing the Great Conversation

Exploring the eternal questions that form the core of classical education, and expand offerings to include more classroom pedagogy, public policy, school operations and leadership panels and workshops

Watch: 2024 Symposium Sessions

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