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Insights on Mindfulness and Community from Symposium Speaker, Roosevelt Montás

Great Hearts Institute November 22, 2023 -

Roosevelt Montas giving a speech

Last summer, we announced that Roosevelt Montás would be a keynote speaker at The National Symposium for Classical Education in March of 2024. The Symposium, made possible by the Great Hearts Institute, is the leading conference of scholars and K-12 educators dedicated to enriching our understanding of classical education and building a world-class network of professionals from within the classical movement.

Roosevelt Montás, an advocate for mindful living, took the stage at TEDx Teachers College to share insights on the intersection of mindfulness and community. In his talk, Montas emphasized the transformative power of mindful attention and its crucial role in building meaningful relationships and communities.

Montás began by defining mindfulness as the act of paying conscious attention—being fully aware of the present moment without judgment or preconceived notions. He drew upon a poignant story about the Buddha, highlighting that mindfulness is a state of wakefulness, a simple and ordinary form of attention that allows us to see and observe without imposing our own narratives or expectations.

He connected the dots between mindful attention and healthy relationships, asserting that cultivating mindfulness fosters the capacity to form genuine and caring bonds. These bonds, he asserted, are the foundation upon which communities are built. The practice of mindfulness, while often undertaken individually, inherently has communal implications.

Linking Aristotle’s observation that humans are political animals, Montás asserted that individuals are inherently communal beings. He posed a series of questions challenging the audience to consider whether mindful attention could be brought to existing communities and everyday relationships. He encouraged seeing others with clarity, compassion, and forming mindful communities.

Montás planted three seeds of wisdom for the audience to contemplate. First, he emphasized the power of truth in relationships, asserting that sincerity and emotional truth are essential for genuine connections. Second, he urged treating others as ends and not as means, challenging the prevailing goal-driven mindset. Finally, he stressed the importance of being present in the moment as the only job one truly has.

Roosevelt Montás

Hear more from Roosevelt Montás and other insightful speakers at the 2024 Symposium, held on March 20-22 at the Phoenix Convention Center. Registration is NOW LIVE!

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The Symposium will focus on renewing the Great Conversation concerning great works and perennial ideas. This year we will underscore the importance of teaching and modeling the conversations that lead to insight–among colleagues, between teachers and students, with families, and across our communities. At a time when our society most needs genuine dialogue, classical schools provide a sanctuary of genuine civility. Join us to discover how classical education embodies the good conversations, providing both the means and the model for a more civil society.

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