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How can we love again? | VIRTUE Podcast with Andrew Zwerneman of Cana Academy

Great Hearts Institute August 2, 2023 -

In this inaugural episode of the VIRTUE Podcast, brought to you by the Great Hearts Institute, Dr. Robert L. Jackson talks to Andrew Zwerneman of Cana Academy—Master Teacher, advocate for classical education, and beautiful soul—about his new book, “The Life We Live Together.” Rob and Andrew discuss the decades-long collapse of love for our common heritage and common life, and their ongoing work to rekindle the classical liberal arts in our schools and lives.

Andrew will be a key contributor to the 2023 National Symposium for Classical Education, to be help on February 22-24 in Phoenix, AZ. For more information, and to register for the 2023 Symposium, visit

Books mentioned in this episode:
Bonfire of the Humanities: Rescuing the Classics in an Impoverished Age (…)
Culture Counts: Faith and Feeling in a World Besieged (…)

More from Andrew:
Seeing What It Means to Be a Person (…) The Life We Have Together (…)
History Forgotten and Remembered (…)

Finally, two @Cana Academy interviews on topics related to our discussion: Interview with Roger Scruton… Interview with Victor Davis Hanson…